Capsule Legacy

Radio Days (1987)

Radio Days is the Woody Allen version of a coming-of-age hangout movie, told in vignettes. These stories weave together compellingly, giving the film narrative heft despite its episodic nature.

Most pre- and mid-World War 2 period pieces show the country in grayish, dusty tones, but this is absolutely vibrant and sentimental. The cast is huge and great; the thematic scope is a panorama. Showcasing both celebrities and lower-middle class gives some appealing upstairs-downstairs tension. And of course the radio music is masterpiece-level — the lovely, soothing 1940s tunes bring so many scenes alive.

I’m not sure I’m ready to say that this is my favorite Woody Allen movie, but I will say it’s the one I’m currently most excited to re-watch.

Is It Good?

Exceptionally Good (7/8)

Note: This capsule review was originally published elsewhere. If I watch this movie again, I might expand this to a full-length review.

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