Capsule Legacy

Cast Away (2000)

If you must build a movie around a single actor, it’s hard to imagine a better score than Tom Hanks circa 2000. Zemeckis’s direction is terrific at immersing you in the visceral reality of the scenario without sacrificing the procedural satisfaction of every detail. Three viewings in and I remain uncertain about the ending — there’s not really a satisfying way to give closure in this scenario, though Zemeckis and Broyles thread the needle between gritty reality and symbolic, uplifting touches. (The long screentime for the ending plus the abrupt time jump make me feel very slightly cheated out of more island time, in part because what we have is so very good.)

Is It Good?

Exceptionally Good (7/8)

Note: This capsule review was originally published elsewhere. If I watch this movie again, I might expand this to a full-length review.

Dan is the founder and head critic of The Goods. Follow Dan on Letterboxd. Join the Discord for updates and discussion.

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