Transcendent cinema: Huge and filled with spectacle and heart. Colorful, splashy, plenty campy. The Wachowskis + Tom Tykwer do not skimp on the aggressive flavor of any of the sections, so it avoids the half-assed feeling of many anthology films, though Cloud Atlas doesn’t feel like an anthology at all thanks to its intercutting between segments and its rapturous, symphonic conclusion. It’s a film that asserts that brave acts of love and kindness can reverberate through time and space. And it makes you believe it.
Is It Good?
Masterpiece: Tour De Good (8/8)
Note: This capsule review was originally published elsewhere. If I watch this movie again, I might expand this to a full-length review.
Dan is the founder and head critic of The Goods. Follow Dan on Letterboxd. Join the Discord for updates and discussion.