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Friend’s project – The Lobsters at Beach Party Point

Hey friends – I’m excited to share with you a project that my friend is working on. Brian Terrill is my good friend — we’ve known each other since we were about 16 years old. Together, we co-host of The Goods: A Film Podcast. Brian was also the host of Count Gauntly’s Horrors from the Public Domain, a horror host public access show that ran for 100+ episodes. He is pursuing an MFA in filmmaking. For his capstone project he is making a short film, and it’s very a “Brian-core” concept, to borrow a term we often use on the pod. Here is his announcement and crowdsourcing for it:

Indiegogo – The Lobsters at Beach Party Point

The film will be entitled The Lobsters at Beach Party Point. It is heavily inspired by some films that we’ve covered on the podcast, including some that I have written about here. One touch point is the Z-O-M-B-I-E-S musicals by Disney. I’ve reviewed Part 1 and Part 3 here, and we’ve discussed the series twice on the podcast: Parts 1 & 2, then later Part 3.

But the central aesthetic comes from ‘50s cheap, kitschy sci fi – the kind lovingly rendered with string-dangling sauce pans as stand-ins for space ships. Not too long ago we had one of the crew members of Brian’s project, Lindsey Aranson, on the podcast to discuss a key text of the wave, Teenagers from Outer Space (1959), as well as an homage that was formative for Brian, The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra (2001). You can listen to that episode here.

Brian has created several proofs of concept and videos related to the short:

Please consider donating a few bucks to Brian’s fundraiser on Indiegogo so we can get the most delightful version of this project possible. It is based on a screenplay that won Brian a student scriptwriting award. If you know anyone who might be interested in a project like this, please pass the link on to them.

Here’s the link one more time:

Indiegogo – The Lobsters at Beach Party Point

Dan is the founder and head critic of The Goods. Follow Dan on Letterboxd. Join the Discord for updates and discussion.

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