It never feels momentous when the year number rolls over from 4 to 5, but it is indeed the end of a half decade.

It never feels momentous when the year number rolls over from 4 to 5, but it is indeed the end of a half decade.
A decade after the slasher movie fad had faded, director Wes Craven and writer Kevin Williamson rejuvenated the genre with a scary, postmodern, whodunit, teen comedy spin on the overfamiliar horror format.
The fans of the popular podcast My Favorite Murder call themselves “murderinos.”
Soviet montage cinema is one of the most idiosyncratic movements in movie history, and also one of the most influential.
Last week, word emerged that Rob Jarosinski, co-founder of the website and podcast Alternate Ending, had died at age 42.
At the start of this year, I had never seen a film by Denis Villeneuve film.
English director Jonathan Glazer has directed four films in the past 25 years, and they present an intriguing cross-section of many of the ways films can be great.
Silent cinema is full of legendary figures, but none is quite so mythic as Abel Gance.
Earlier this year I did a binge of Matthew Vaughn’s movies, and my main takeaway is that I am not a Matthew Vaughn fan.
The cinematic comedy-drama is in a state of peril.