Site Update

Goals for 2023

As the new year kicks off, I want to look ahead at some goals for the site for 2023:

Watch 365 feature-length films

This was my goal for 2022, which I passed with room to spare (more on this in my 2022 Annual Recap, coming in the next couple days). But I plan to keep up with an average of a movie per day, mixing new releases with classics. Also whatever you tell me to watch in comments, on Letterboxd, or on The Goods Discord.

Write every day (or maybe most days)

Perhaps it goes without saying, but I’m planning to review the major releases of 2023 (plus whatever minor releases tickle my fancy). I will also devote plenty of coverage to Review Projects and other classic movie reviews.

The goal is to try and write a little every day, whether it’s a full review, a capsule of something I don’t have time to write a full review for, a revision to a “Legacy” review (more on that in a sec), or a list/ranking (more on that in a sec). That doesn’t mean I’ll publish every day, but I’ll always get some virtual ink down.

Friday lists/rankings

As long as I’ve been writing for fun, one of the main formats has been ranked lists of one sort or the other. I’m bringing that to The Goods! I’m going to try and publish a countdown list or ranking most Fridays as a fun way to end the week and hopefully get some haters.

Updating “Legacy” reviews

Prior to officially launching the site in July, I regularly wrote reviews published on various other sites, but with no consistent length or content considerations. Those still appear in the archive with a warning at the bottom. I’d like my archive to stand with my with my new reviews, so I’ll be spending some time revising and expanding those.

(I’ll do occasional round-ups collecting the updated “Legacy” reviews, but will preserve their original publish date.)

Dan is the founder and head critic of The Goods. Follow Dan on Letterboxd. Join the Discord for updates and discussion.

3 replies on “Goals for 2023”

As someone who believes that a) the world always needs more lists, and b) you’re nobody unless you have haters, I’m excited for upcoming Fridays.

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