Category: Podcast Rating

Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008)

Sometimes a movie just clicks in a way that is totally subjective. Especially comedies.
The Swimmer (1968)

Teen Beach Movie (2013)

I’m not sure a film has ever more steadily improved in my estimation than Teen Beach Movie, the Disney Channel musical from 2013.
The Money Pit (1983)

There’s a 20-minute period towards the middle of the film where The Money Pit lives up to its slapstick potential, and it’s the hardest I’ve laughed in eons.
The Thirteenth Year (1999)

This Disney Channel Original Movie takes a very intriguing premise — boy begins transforming to merman on his thirteenth birthday and tries to hide it from the world; very clearly a metaphor for coming out as gay in 1999 — and makes it so damn boring.

Bobby is turning four years old. It’s his birthday, and he’s having a party. A clown is coming. It’s 1992.
Robot (Enthiran) (2010)

Robot (aka Enthiran) is a three-hour Kollywood sci-fi sitcom action musical about AI robots gaining sentience and falling in love with humans.
The Outsiders (1983)

The Outsiders is Francis Ford Coppola’s epic greasers-vs-socs melodrama — his “teenage Gone With the Wind,” to quote the director’s commentary.
Read It and Weep (2006)

Here’s a summary of the first few minutes of Read it and Weep:
- Jamie Bartlett (Kay Panabaker) accidentally submits her personal sketchbook for an English class assignment
- Her teacher likes it so much that she submits it to a literary agent
- It is published and nationally distributed
- It become a major bestseller
Totally plausible, right?