Site Update

Happy Holidays! – Looking Back on 150 Consecutive Days of Reviews

Hello movie-going friends! Merry Christmas, or whatever your winter salutation of choice is!

When I officially launched this site on July 9 with an archive of a few hundred reviews, I promised to write a 500+ word film review every day for as long as I could keep up the streak. Earlier this month, I started losing steam with some childcare challenges and the encroaching holidays, and decided to end my streak at 150 days and reviews.

By the numbers

A few stats on those 150 reviews:

  • Date range: 7/9/22-12/5/22
  • Total words written: 119,735
  • Average “Is It Good?” Rating: 5.07 (“Good”)

What’s next?

I’ll be writing up a look back on 2022 and a look ahead to 2023 sometime around New Year’s. In the meantime, you can expect regular reviews once I escape the Christmas rush. I caught up with a lot of the year’s most heralded releases recently, which will shake up my 2022 rankings once I get those films rated and reviewed — some of which may come as abbreviated capsules. (You can always keep up with what I’m watching via Letterboxd!)

Dan is the founder and head critic of The Goods. Follow Dan on Letterboxd. Join the Discord for updates and discussion.

5 replies on “Happy Holidays! – Looking Back on 150 Consecutive Days of Reviews”

2022: hot or not? I say hot, but I could be merely overresponding to an okay year after two un-years.

I’m also mortified how few new 2022 releases I’ve actually seen and how many I earnestly want to catch up with.

2022 has been consistently warm and sunny. Lots of movies I like a lot. Alas, no movies I’m 100% over the moon about (I know you are strongly pro-EEAAO, and that’s around the top of my annual ranking as well, but with some ambivalence).

Yeah, it looked like a lot very goods, but nothing full marks. I dunno how you evaluate things, maybe I’m too loose with it, but a year without a single 10/10 (or equivalent fraction) would be a bummer. Cough 2020. Even just three is barely reaching adequacy, though it’s been such a solid year in the not-quite-masterpiece range, and gratifyingly consistently-paced (2019 turned out okay but only in, like, January), it’s hard to be disappointed.

I tend to be very stingy, perhaps too stingy, with my top rating, and consider it a win if I designate one film per year with it. If i’m feeling swept away, I usually err on the side of caution, so often only give that highest score retrospectively by bumping up the previous score on a rewatch.

I do think 2022 was spottier until the last couple months, but I suppose that’s when the awards-worthy movies tend to drop.

Did you have a good 2022 outside of the movie sphere?

Oh, a fair year, neither serious injuries nor many missed meals. Hope yours has been fair as well (or, hey, even good!).

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