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My daughter and I wrote a book!

Hey film friends, I’m excited to share that my six-year-old daughter Eleanor and I wrote a kids fantasy chapter book together. It took us eight months. We worked hard on it and had a lot of fun putting it together. It’s called The Enchanted Necklace. Here’s the synopsis:

Only Princess Gracie can save the kingdom! Gracie loves rainbows more than anything else in the whole world. For her tenth birthday, she gets a rainbow necklace that can grant wishes. But the evil witch Greena has a secret plan to steal the gift and take over the kingdom. Can Gracie save the day and restore the color to Rainbow Realm without the help of her necklace?

You can get the book as a paperback or on Kindle from Amazon. We also have a free PDF download of the book on our web site.

Please check it out and consider passing it on to any young readers you know!

Best – Dan


Dan is the founder and head critic of The Goods. Follow Dan on Letterboxd. Join the Discord for updates and discussion.

2 replies on “My daughter and I wrote a book!”

I read through it out of curiosity, and I thought it was delightful! I hope it’s the first of many stories to come from Eleanor – Lord knows she has a better handle on story than some writers I won’t name!

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