Spooktober has come and gone! Here’s a look at my movie watching and reviewing in October.
Last month: September 2022 Recap
- The Goods published 31 reviews in October. The average “Is It Good?” score was a 4.9, or a low-end “Good”
- New releases reviewed included Rosaline and Halloween Ends. I also caught up with some other 2022 releases, all reviewed here: 2022: Year in Film.
- I also completed a retrospective of the 13-film Halloween franchise
- Best new release reviewed: Everything Everywhere All at Once
- Worst new release reviewed: Halloween Ends
- Best classic first-time watch reviewed: Joe Versus the Volcano
- Best rewatch reviewed: Dazed and Confused
- Ongoing Review Projects include my Tom Hanks retrospective and a catch-up of 2022 movies I’ve missed.
- The Goods: A Film Podcast continued its weekly episodes, focusing October episodes on horror and Halloween-themed films
- We released our 100th episode, where we talked about Suspiria (2018) — mirroring our very first episode, Suspiria (1977)
Site News and Updates:
- I updated the Review Index to include year and director for easier searching and sorting.
- According to my Letterboxd account, I watched 40 feature films in October
- Today’s banner comes from the most-read new release review this month… Barbarian
- This month we had 144 unique readers. Thanks, all!
Next Month:
- I’m plan to keep catching up on 2022 films and continuing my Hanks retrospective! I also plan to revisit some classics and old favorites in prep for an upcoming mini-project for the podcast.
- I plan to keep refining the Review Index.
Dan is the founder and head critic of The Goods. Follow Dan on Letterboxd. Join the Discord for updates and discussion.