Legacy Capsule

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex (*But Were Afraid to Ask) (1972)

An anthology of sex-themed genre pastiches that intermittently takes its stupidity seriously enough to verge into funny and/or subversive, but more often just drifts into nothingness.

Legacy Podcast Rating

It Happened One Night (1934)

Legacy Capsule

Play It Again, Sam (1972)

A well-written romcom with a theme and lots of fun details plus good chemistry between Allen and Keaton. Too bad the jokes just aren’t all there and the story isn’t enough of a home run. Still quite good, though.

Legacy Capsule

Moana (2016)

The animation is peerless, the songs are occasionally invigorating, and Moana herself is one of Disney’s greatest protagonists, but the script and quest suffer a bit from exposition overload, pacing hiccups, and fluctuating stakes that keep it from soaring to all-time heights. Still a strong and memorable outing that I’ll always be keen to revisit.

Capsule Legacy

Bananas (1971)

Not as funny as Allen’s proper debut Take the Money and Run, but a very good sophomore effort.

Legacy Capsule

Blue Is the Warmest Color (2013)

An epic romance and coming-of-age story told with tremendous humanity and precision and life. Yet it has its share of problematic storytelling and is certainly too long. Too much sex, too, but I suppose it adds to the palpable intimacy between the leads.

Legacy Capsule

Cinderella (1950)

I had forgotten this is kind of… bad?

Legacy Capsule

Take the Money and Run (1969)

Woody Allen’s first actor-director-writer film is a parody criminal biopic/documentary. It doesn’t always hold together, but as a series of skits it is astonishingly hilarious.


Orphans of the Storm (1921)

The French Revolution turns out to be a very good match for DW Griffith.

Deprecated Review Legacy

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) – 2021 Capsule

This capsule review has been superseded by a full-length review you can read here:

Full Review: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)

The visuals are some of the most breathaking I’ve ever seen: free-flying comic art with intense neon splashes and irrepressible energy. The story is amazing too, if a bit slow to get going. One of the best superhero movies, period.