Dumb and Dumber is a comedy where many of the broadest, best-known gags have lost their luster, but the the stuff on the fringes absolutely slays me.
Dumb and Dumber (1994)

Dumb and Dumber is a comedy where many of the broadest, best-known gags have lost their luster, but the the stuff on the fringes absolutely slays me.
Batman Begins remains one of the great comic book movies because Christopher Nolan captures a really compelling tug of war between two competing forces: gritty realism and operatic mythmaking.
Imagine you are a seventeen year-old boy. One burden-free summer day, you and your buddies get hopped up on Dr Pepper. The sun is shining. It’s the golden era of your youth.
There’s a pretty major difference watching One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest at age 33, with more life experiences under your belt, as opposed to age 18, when I first saw it.
It’s tough to overstate how iconic Office Space: Almost 25 years later, its portrait of white-collar corporate hell remains potent and disturbingly accurate.
One of the chief problems of the previous Harry Potter movie, Goblet of Fire, is that it took two thirds of the movie for the movie to find a theme for Harry’s character growth (beyond “clueless teen” and “Wizard Olympics participant”).
Watching Pulp Fiction fires old synapses in my head that had gone dormant.
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is a conventional sequel to Raiders of the Lost Ark in all of the ways that Temple of Doom is not.
Temple of Doom is the fever dream iteration of Indiana Jones, every scene and detail and character turned up to a nightmarish 11.
There are maybe fifty different places you could start when talking about Raiders of the Lost Ark.