The extent to which Babe: Pig in the City hocks a loogie in the face of the original Babe is a very well-documented legend of modern filmmaking.
Babe: Pig in the City (1998)

The extent to which Babe: Pig in the City hocks a loogie in the face of the original Babe is a very well-documented legend of modern filmmaking.
Babe is an wonderful film
Antz and A Bug’s Life.
Soviet montage cinema is one of the most idiosyncratic movements in movie history, and also one of the most influential.
If you’re a kaiju fan or Japanese cinema fan or really movie fan of any kind, I recommend you check out Christopher Brown’s new essay series
Avenues is halfway between a ‘80s Woody Allen movie and a dime-store mumblecore film
On December 1, 2008, the National Bureau of Economic Research confirmed what everyone had known for months
Sorry, guys.
You must be patient with His Three Daughters.
I must start this review the way I do nearly every newly released animated film