The Halloween series, launched by John Carpenter with the legendary 1978 film that codified what we know today as slasher tropes, has a sprawling and bizarre chronology, featuring multiple reboots and timelines across thirteen films.
Series: Halloween
Reviewing every Halloween movie in order of chronological release.
Halloween (1978)
I’m not sure that there’s a specific name for the recurring cultural phenomenon that I have in mind.
Halloween II (1981)
Despite its cliffhanger ending, Halloween doesn’t really suggest an obvious sequel story.
Halloween III: Season of the Witch (1982)
I’ll start with the obvious.
The subtitle “The Return of Michael Myers” works on three levels.
If Halloween 4 squeezed the last viable juice from the Michael Myers lemon, Halloween 5 rubs the pulpy rind in the viewers’ eyeballs.
And so the first Halloween timeline ends with a whimper. This is a bad, bad, bad movie.
Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998)
After the Halloween franchise had diminished beyond recognition by the sixth outing in the franchise, it needed a new spark.
Halloween: Resurrection (2002)
We must start with the opening.
Halloween (2007)
The Halloween franchise was due for another reboot.